Call ~ Response

In the drum circle we do a lot of call response, with rhythms and voice.  The drum calls and you respond in kind.  Well, the drum is like LIFE, it calls and it is up to you to respond.  How you respond wll create harmonious music or discord, its up to you.

How do you respond to the call to JOY, or PEACE, or COMPASSION?  Oh that’s too wowo, or toucy feely, too good to be true.

What is your response to illness or injury or heartache? Blame, bitterness, depression.  Every LIFE experience is a call to respond with LOVE.  So to injur ~ caution, to illness ~ compasison, to heartache ~ forgiveness, and to the successes ~ appreciaiton, to winning ~ joy, to health ~ gratitude.

Through all these experiences LIFE is calling us with an opportunity to respond with grace, dignity and love.

I have always said, “All I am here to learn how to love better.”  That is the response LIFE is looking for!

So every Friday night we call you to the drum circle and offer you the opportunity to respond to LIFE.  The vibration from the drum is life itself you can hear and feel.  You can choose to respond with harmonious beats and melodic voices or with offbeat, independent ego driven disconnection.  LIFE calls, how you live it is up to you, and your choices it affect us all.

See you in a circle soon!  Check out these new exciting programs for 2014!

REMEMBER:  We meet every Friday 7-9, Inglewood Community Hall, 1740 24 ave se, $15 at the door, kids $5, (engaged in drumming please)  Wheel Chair Accessable, and lots of FREE parking.  No experience required, and drums provided or bring your own.