Love and Money

With the dive in oil prices,  layoffs, and the trickle down effect on many businesses and agencies including mine,  I thought this would be a good time to talk about money!

Years ago I learned about 4 money personalities, and they have been of great value inhelping me understanding my limiting beliefs around money.

Hoarder, Spender, Monk, Avoider

Check this article out.  It  might help you see your unconscious attitudes more clearly:

Today, my belief is that money sits under the umbrella of abundance.  It is part of of the rich tapestry of life, not the umbrella itself.  It is one of many important facors that lead to a happy satisfying life. Relationhships, family, health, spirituality, meaningful work, play & freedom, creativity, travel, community service and much more are all part of a wealthy, abundant life.

We all have gifts and talents, and we can all generate money. Know that you are valuable, no matter what your job is, or  how much money you make. Know that your net-worth does not equal your self-worth. The CEO and the security guard are equal value as human beings.

In the villages  where we live, many  jobs are need  to make life function smoothly.  We are simply  to do what we can well, and with pride, knowing that who we are makes a difference.  Your mindful contribution every day makes this a better world.  A mood of disdain for your job will rub off on me, as will an approach of grattitude.  Choose to work with an attitude of gratitude rather than boredom or disenchantment.  We will all benefit.

Ultimately, it is important to love  yourself and your life while dong your best to make a living and a contribution to society.  This is how to make love and money work together.  Making a life, a living and a difference is really quite simple.

I now know that I am wealthy in every way, and I am also full of gratitude;  for my friends and family, my work and health, for my home and its contents, for my safety and freedom, for my creativity and natural optimism.  I am grateful for all the LOVE and MONEY in my llife.

