
Add Some Joyful Soulful RHYTHM to Your Retreat!



Scheduling a community building Drum Circle and Rhythm Lodge healing experience into  your retreat will add a brand new joyful and healing dimension to your programming.

Imagine a steady beat playing in the distance calling your participants to come and join the circle on the first night of  your retreat.  Watch your participants open up, connect and come alive!  Then at a special closing drum circle event you will celebrate together your learning, and successes.

Video of a Drum Circle

Then, at the midpoint of your retreat, add a Rhythm Lodge experience where people drum and get drummed in an empowering hands-on group healing format.  It is inclusive and transformational, nurturing and heart opening; a powerful way to deepen the whole retreat experience and give your participants an opportunity to let go of anything holding them back.

The Rhythm Lodge

To discuss  your needs contact Judy Atkinson, Founder and CEO of Circles of Rhythm.  403-862-5654

Bring the Rhythm of Joy to your next retreat or workshop event.


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