Enlightened by Darkenss

Enlightened  By Darkness Last night  I embraced my dark side.  Not to glorify pain or death, but to embody it, to dress and walk in the outer world as it,  for an evening.  In doing so, I began to know it more clearly.  And what a gift it was! I had simply intended to dress up for Halloween, and invited …

Women’s Shelter, Drumming Making a Difference

For the last year Circles of Rhythm has been offering a therapeutic drumming program at a local women’s shelter. The women are not obligated to attend, so at times there are only two participants. Even when two women show up we carry on and have a lovely evening. The circle in July was special because we had five women attend, …

Is Circles of Rhythm A Good Thing?

Judy received this incredible feedback from a gentleman. He was responding to her ensure that she is aware of the impact she and her team of facilitators and volunteers have had on his life. Sometimes in life we question if we are making a difference, and when we receive recognition like this, we can step back and say, “Thank-you, universe …

Drumming with the First Nations

On June 15th and 16th I was asked to facilitate two drumming sessions for First Nations. The first circle was for all women and the second circle was for all men. The first day arrived and the women gathered to drum. There was apprehension at first but as the circle progressed the women became empowered and joyful. After each round …

UK Study on Drumming and Depression

A new study in the UK lends credibility to the use of the Healing Drum Circle as a tool for reduction of anxiety, depression and social resilience and inflammatory immune response in mental health patients. Read the Study We are now offering training for this powerful therapeutic tool.  If you want to add  this to your professional tool belt, give …

What makes a successful Drum Circle?

I run a regular drumming program for adults with disabilities and have had some of the participants coming regularly for over a year. Yesterday (April 11th) we had our first of a nine week session and I asked the group to tell me some of the reasons why they like the drum circle. Many great answers came up, one lady …

Why do you drum? Reflections on a Rhythm Lodge

  Why do you drum??   Most people do not have and answer to that question as it is their first time drumming let alone in a circle of people! At the end of a drum circle my hope is that they have an answer to the question, and they decide to return to a drum circle again. The answers can …

We Are All Equal

“We are all Equal & Unique” Spring Equinox, Saturday March 19, 2016 ALL OVER THE WORLD, every year on March 19, 20 or 21, depending on where you are on the earth, day and night are equal!  I love this because it is a visceral experience of our equality.  In a drum circle two of the most important ingredients to  …

Eight Drum Circles, Five days

Written by, Jamie Gore What an amazing life this is, to be able to bring people together with a drum circle! Each group I get to work with is SO different, there are so many reasons to drum together! Here is a snapshot of the last week for me: Drum circle one: A daughter and her father and mother have …

Message from the sand!

I noticed this morning when I was doing my walking meditation  on the beach that with every step forward, a little bit of sand collected on the top of my big toe, and was kicked forward landing rhythmically on the sand just a little bit in front of me. I also noticed that what I was leaving behind were cute …