Humble Pie ANYONE?

Humble pie anyone? Today I was to facilitate a very special group of people. All of these people’s lives have been touched by something in common. Cancer. The drumming today was the first of a six-week session for these survivors and their caregivers. I was on my way and pulling up to the site when I got a phone call. ‘Hello is this Jamie? Are you aware that there is drumming today at Wellspring?’ I reply with a yes. The volunteer proceeded to let me know that the program was to begin at 1:00 and it was now ten minutes past one. My understanding was that it was to run from 2-4pm!

Oh my goodness what has happened! My first reaction was to be upset. This is the fist time in the six years that I have been facilitating drum circles that I am late. As I was scrambling to get the drums inside, I really needed to stay calm and centered. This was not the time to be in a tizzy about being late. There were twenty people waiting patiently in the room for me. One of the participants had brought a drum and had stepped in to keep everyone entertained with a clapping rhythmical game. We got the drums in and everyone had a drum to play and I was in the center to commence. I started off this session in a way that would assist me to get centered. I encouraged everyone to focus on the breath. I immediately was able to let go of my judgement of myself for somehow dropping the ball with the start time and be fully present for the rest of the two hours. Life gave me the opportunity to LET GO and relax into the challenge. These people are facing a struggle of their life, and I have the gift of the drum circle to give to them. I could have spent the time wondering about where I went wrong, but instead I was able to come back to the present moment with the attention to one thing, my breath.

The rest of the session went incredibly smoothly and everyone had an amazing time, including myself. A participant shared with me that she had never experienced anything like this before. Her words were, This experience is more valuable than thousands of dollars of healing therapy.” What an amazing gift the drum circle is, for me and for these beautiful souls.

I took a few moments at the end of the session to sit in the room and feel the gratitude for the opportunity to bring this amazing tool of the drum circle to people, and to forgive myself for being late for the first time in six years. If life gives you the opportunity to judge yourself, take a deep breath and LET GO, and learn to be gentle with yourself.

If you or anyone you know is living with Cancer please follow this link to find out more about the amazing facility: Wellspring Calgary.

Today, I ate humble pie, and enjoyed it.
Written by Jamie Gore

Circles of Rhythm's photo.