Messages from a Team Building Drum Circle

Staff of the Brenda Strafford Center came together for a team building drum circle. This center creates a safe shelter for women to stay at while they are coming out of a domestic abuse situation.

At the end of the drumming, the question was asked of the group, ‘How does a drum circle show what it takes to be an effective team?

These are the answers that the staff came up with:

You cannot do it alone

Being a part of the team is what makes the good rhythm

Drumming for someone else is so valuable, remember everyone has stresses

At different times we all have different energy levels, and all need support when our energy is low

Look to your team when you lose your way and need to reconnect

It takes variety of different sounds, rhythms, and levels of ability to make the whole thing work

Each person brings their own rhythm and pattern to the team

We notice when someone is missing, their beat is important

Everyone can do things their own way, but we need to work together

You don’t have to be loud to make an impact

Everyone has their own personality and style

We need to trust our co-workers

When you work as a team, you can impact each other and those you work with, in a deep way

Consider bringing in a drum circle to your next staff development, and find out what your team will discover!