What is a successful drum circle?

Here is a quote from a drum circle participant from last week’s drum circle July 26th 2013. “It’s wonderful how rejuvenating your drum circle’s are!! As soon as we walked up and saw your volunteers with their big warm smiles my stress just started to melt.”

Is a successful drum circle when everyone plays complex rhythms, there are no mistakes, it sounds like a recording from a cd? Well to some maybe yes the musicality is a beneficial component. But the drums meet people where they are. For this reason there is another possible outcome to a drum circle.

I have a story to share:
“This last weekend I was able to facilitate a group of amazing individuals at The Center Street church. Their eyes lit up every time we all stopped together, and those who came in with serious closed attitudes were lit up with joy by the end. If I were to look at it another way, I could have judged it and said ‘well we did not get into beat together not even once and it mostly sounded like a bunch of noise.’ But I choose to see what that drumming circle did for the participants. They were able to be participating in a group experience where their participation was valued and accepted and appreciated. Without judgement, without a ‘no not like that you are doing it wrong.’ A positive attitude is what made it so successful. The participants who normally would not have been able to stay engaged wanted to keep going well past when we were supposed to finish. You see they all had different disabilities, ranging from Down’s syndrome, to development delays to FASD. We created a space with the drums that they belonged and were cherished. We were able to let them shine in the drum circle. That is powerful.’ Jamie Gore

Remember, it”s not just about the drumming!

We offer drum circles for all walks of life, and for any reason you have, including workplace wellness programs! Drumming is so vast in its ability to bring people together.

Judy sends all her love from the sunshine coast!
